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Name Your Organs

I recently had a liver transplant (c.f. . The thought of relinquishing a vital organ seemed off-putting to me even though I knew I must do exactly that to survive. In order to make the loss less personal, I began to anthropomorphize my body parts. I did this by naming my organs. Besides the entertainment value, I was surprised how much more heartened I felt. My organs seemed less like parts of me and more like my little friends.

Here are some of the names I use:

1) Liver - Lee Liverace (New Liver - Rod Liver* )

2) Kidney - Billy The Kid-ney

3) Spleen - Mickey Spileen

4) Intestine - General Colon Bowel

5) Pancreas - Peter Pancreas

6) Heart - Bret Heart

7) Lung - Dolf Lungren

8) Brain - Brian

9) Nose - Nostradamus

10) Hand - W.C. Handy*

11) Eye - I.C. Yu

I do not know whether this little trick would work for you should you face similar circumstances. I can testify assuredly that it worked for me.

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